MetroPlex - 5 g
Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it! Seachem MetroPlex is a pharmaceutical grade medicated supplement that has been designed to safely and effectively treat a wide variety of common protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish such as potentially fatal hole in the head disease, velvet and both freshwater and marine ich. The solution does not negatively impact the delicate filter bed and it is easily removed from the tank using carbon. For added peace of mind, there is little danger of overdosing and when used in combination with a food mixture it makes it ideal for use in tanks containing invertebrates. However, regardless of the delivery method, Seachem MetroPlex will quickly and effectively treat internal and external parasites in both freshwater and saltwater fish. Comes in a 5 gram container.
Dosing in Water:
Remove all invertebrates as they are extremely sensitive to this medication. Turn off all UV filters, ozone filters, and remove chemical filtration such as MatrixCarbon and Purigen. Use 1-2 measures (included) of MetroPlex per every 40 L (10 US gallons) of aquarium water. Repeat this exact dose every 48 hours for up to 3 weeks or until all symptoms have disappeared.
Dosing in Food
Feed the medicated food mix every day until the infection clears or for up to 3 weeks. This medicated food can be refrigerated or frozen between feedings.
- 1 scoop Seachem MetroPlex
- 1 scoop Seachem Focus
- 1 tbsp food (preferably pellets or frozen food)
- A few drops of water if using a dry food such as flakes
- To enhance the palatability of this medication, it can be used with Seachem GarlicGuard or Seachem Entice
When the treatment period is over, MetroPlex can easily be removed using activated filter carbon such as Seachem MatrixCarbon. The solution will not linger in the substrate or filter media of the tank.